10 Questions and Answers for Hydrogen Molecular Medicine Jul 14, 2021
1. What is hydrogen?
Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table of chemical elements. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule known in nature. It generally exists as a gas. Because of its small molecular weight, hydrogen is lighter than air. It can be filled into hydrogen balloons as a means of transportation and flight. It has fast movement speed and strong penetrating power. It can penetrate more than ten centimeters of steel plates under high temperature and high pressure.

Strong penetration is an important feature of hydrogen. Because of this feature, hydrogen is more difficult to store. Therefore, after dissolving hydrogen in water, if you want to maintain the hydrogen concentration in hydrogen water for a long time, you need to use aluminum alloy materials to make packaging, and other steel materials Neither glass, plastic, etc. can prevent hydrogen from escaping. On the other hand, because hydrogen is very small and has strong penetrating power, it can easily reach various parts of the body and the inside of tissue cells after entering the human body. For example, hydrogen can reach the mitochondria in the cells. The fine structure fundamentally adjusts the cell state, this advantage cannot be achieved by many drugs.

2. Where can hydrogen be used?
Hydrogen can be burned to release energy to produce water. It is a very clean and pollution-free energy source. There are now hydrogen energy vehicles and airplanes. During diving, you can breathe high-pressure hydrogen gas to resist the pressure of water on the body. Hydrogen has been studied and applied in the diving field for more than 80 years. It is a safe gas for diving, and no adverse effects on the human body have been found.

With the deepening of the understanding of hydrogen applications, the application of hydrogen in the fields of medical and health and agriculture continues to expand. There are large application examples in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and animal husbandry, and there are very good application prospects.

3. How was the therapeutic effect of hydrogen on diseases discovered?
In 2007, Japanese scientist Professor Naruto Ota published an article in the international authoritative journal Nature Medicine, proving that 2% hydrogen inhalation can treat stroke, opening a new chapter in hydrogen medical research.
In 2008, the team of Professor Sun Xuejun of the Second Military Medical University published the second international and first domestic hydrogen medicine research report. Professor Sun Xuejun is the most important advocate and promoter of hydrogen medicine research in China, and he is known as the "China's No. one person".
In 2017, Professor Xu Kecheng, the general dean of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital, created a hydrogen molecular medicine experience hall for hundreds of people to provide free hydrogen inhalation and rehabilitation experience for the majority of cancer patients, and achieved great clinical results in hydrogen-assisted cancer rehabilitation medicine, and published it The book "Hydrogen Control Cancer" shocked the research community of hydrogen molecular medicine.

Hydrogen medicine has been researched for more than 10 years. So far, more than 1,200 articles have been published at home and abroad, covering nearly 200 types of diseases.

4. Why can hydrogen cure diseases?
Many researchers have found that hydrogen can specifically neutralize toxic free radicals such as hydroxyl free radicals, but has no significant effect on the physiological functions of free radicals required by the human body. We call this "selective antioxidant", which is currently recognized by hydrogen medical research. A theoretical explanation. Hydrogen is the only antioxidant known to be selective to free radicals. Because it does not affect the free radicals required by the body to maintain life activities, there are no reports of hydrogen intervention in the body's normal physiological activities, and there is no dosage limit on use.

With the deepening of hydrogen research, it has been discovered that hydrogen has a regulatory effect on many key signal pathways in the body. It can be said that hydrogen is not only an anti-oxidant, its mechanism of action may be very complicated. There is no end to scientific research. There is no end to the study of the mechanism of hydrogen. Still in the process of in-depth exploration.

5. What is the difference between hydrogen antioxidant and vitamin C?
As mentioned earlier, hydrogen is a selective antioxidant, which means that both hydrogen and vitamin C can resist oxidation, but the free radicals produced by the body can be roughly divided into two categories: one is needed by the body, the other is not needed by the body and is toxic big. Vitamin C treats all free radicals "equally" and eliminates them all; hydrogen only eliminates free radicals that are not needed by the body and are highly toxic, such as hydroxyl free radicals.

Because it does not remove the free radicals needed by the human body, a large amount of hydrogen supplementation will not affect the normal physiological functions of the body. However, if a large amount of vitamin C supplements, it may affect the normal life activities of the body.

6. Is the antioxidant capacity of hydrogen much stronger than VC and VE?
Many friends who love hydrogen medicine tend to get emotional when they promote the effect of hydrogen medicine. It seems that they cannot express their love for hydrogen medicine without words such as the strongest and best. It is also one of the expressions to say that hydrogen is the strongest reducing agent. In fact, hydrogen is not the strongest reducing agent. It is basically correct to say that hydrogen is the best bio-antioxidant, but it is wrong to say that it is the strongest reducing agent.
The advantage of hydrogen is its selective antioxidant effect, which is also the theoretical basis for the biological effects of hydrogen. Selective antioxidant is not equal to the strongest antioxidant substance, but because of other substances that are more reductive than hydrogen, such as vitamin C Lack of this selectivity. Therefore, selectivity is the biggest advantage of hydrogen antioxidants, which is why other antioxidants such as vitamin C cannot achieve a wide range of biological effects.
Therefore, hydrogen is not a strong reducing agent, but a very ideal biological reducing agent. Among various antioxidants, hydrogen has the smallest molecular weight and has a very strong penetrating power, which is also an important internal reason for the role of hydrogen.

7. What is the current status of hydrogen medicine research?

Hydrogen medical research has a history of more than 10 years. Experts and scholars have discovered that hydrogen has a therapeutic effect on nearly 200 diseases. They have published more than 1,200 scientific research reports, applied for more than 70 National Natural Science Foundation, and more than 50 population research reports, with 6 people. Academician experts participate in hydrogen medical research and publish papers.

8. What is the theoretical basis of hydrogen health products (hydrogen water dispenser, hydrogen water cup, hydrogen dispenser, etc.)?

Hydrogen can treat diseases. As a means of health care, the application of hydrogen has very solid academic support. Many experts and scholars have used a large number of animal models and cytological studies to prove the biological effects of hydrogen (for example, protection against diabetes, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, sepsis and tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy side effects), and many clinical studies have also proved that hydrogen has some human diseases It does have therapeutic effects (such as metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, reduced quality of life after cancer radiotherapy, side effects caused by uremic dialysis, fatigue after exercise, etc.).

9. Is hydrogen toxic to the human body? Is it safe to use for a long time?
Although the therapeutic effect of hydrogen on diseases has not been known for a long time, the biological safety of hydrogen has been extensively studied for a long time. It has been proved by diving medical research decades ago that breathing high pressure hydrogen for consecutive days will not cause any damage to divers. Toxic damage.
So far, almost all the subjects of oxyhydrogen diving research involve the issue of hydrogen safety. In particular, Sweden and France successfully conducted a series of human oxyhydrogen diving experiments. For example, during 1988-1989, the time of human oxyhydrogen diving in France was as long as 7,200 hours, which further shows that human breathing hydrogen and oxyhydrogen diving are safe. Since breathing high-pressure hydrogen is non-toxic, the intake of hydrogen under normal pressure is safer.
With the continuous increase of hydrogen biological research, clinical research on hydrogen has gradually increased. So far, there is no evidence that hydrogen is harmful to the human body. The European Union and the United States government published information on the biological safety of hydrogen, showing that hydrogen does not have any acute or chronic toxicity to the human body under normal pressure. The National Health Commission issued the national standard for hydrogen as a food additive in December 2014, GB31633-2014 "National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Hydrogen".

10. Why do you think hydrogen is a panacea?
This is caused by a lack of understanding of medical research. Although there are many articles proving that hydrogen has a therapeutic effect on nearly 200 diseases, most of them are the results of animal experiments. In fact, there is a gap between the medical field, animal experiment research and population transformation application. The huge gap. It cannot be said that animal experimental research is effective when applied to the human body. Because hydrogen medicine has a large number of effective diseases, it is easy for people who do not study medicine to produce hydrogen that can cure all diseases. I want to remind everyone that you must never come to the conclusion that "hydrogen can cure certain diseases" after seeing an animal experiment research topic.
Does hydrogen have therapeutic effects on many diseases? Simply put, the current research confirms that hydrogen has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic effects. Inflammation, oxidative damage, and apoptosis are common cell pathological damages in the development and progression of most diseases, so the extensiveness of the hydrogen effect is not surprising.
Hydrogen research is still deepening. Eventually, through a large number of population application studies, it may be possible to determine which types of diseases hydrogen is best for. For these diseases, hydrogen can be widely used as a key promotion method. Hydrogen is definitely not a "magic medicine", and we look forward to using the development results of clinical transformation of hydrogen medicine to prove this point.

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